Iris Vista

Real-time video stabilization / anti-shake software

iris vista hero

A unique video stabilization / anti-shake software module bringing advanced imaging capabilities to next generation smartphones, action cameras, drones, and numerous marine or industrial applications.

iris-vista logo




Action Cameras

Action Cameras

Marine Vision

Marine & Industrial Applications

Optimised for Mobile Devices

  • Utilize Heterogeneous computing implementation using CPU/GPU for low-power performance.​

  • Low computational requirements

  • Low power consumption

  • Operate with or without aid from external motion sensors​

  • Limited memory usage and clock speed

High Video Stabilization Quality and Image Clarity

Outstanding results with 1080p30 and 1080p60 real-time input.

Operate in preview mode (run-time, zero latency).​

Correction of:


Digital Image Stabilization solution, suitable to enhance or retrofit existing systems.


Electronic Image Stabilization solution, suitable for new system designs.


Digital Image Stabilization - DIS​

Surveillance Security Cameras
Surveillance/Security Cameras networks, CCTVs
video processing
Offline video feed processing
off-camera processing
Off-camera processing
  • Robust to noise & outliers (moving objects within camera FoV)

  • Visual Motion Estimation based on Local Motion info

  • Rolling Shutter distortion estimation & correction

  • Zero latency performance


Electronic Image Stabilization - EIS​

Mobile Camera with Gyro
Mobile cameras featuring a gyro sensor
Drone Camera
Camera-equipped Drones & UAVs
  • Establishes an efficient mechanism for reading and syncing video and gyro data​

  • Visual Motion Estimation based on Gyro data

  • Supports synergy with Optical Image Stabilization​

  • Able to operate in preview mode (run-time, zero latency) ​

Supporting various Platforms, SOC and FPGAs

IRIS-VISTA is platform-independent video stabilization software IP able to run in various fixed-point and floating-point cores. Platforms currently supported include Tensilica/Cadence IVP, ARM Cortex A9and Texas Instrument Da Vincifamily. IRIS-VISTA is   also available in RTL codefor FPGA implementation. Other platforms can also be supported. 

intel logo
Qualcomm logo
CEVA logo
cadence logo
synopsys logo

For OEM integration, IRIS-VISTA’s use of a number of controlling parameters that enable any system designer and integrator to fit the system optimally to any SoC design.

Would you like to know more​?

Get in touch with our experts to learn more about the video stabilization capabilities of IRIS VISTA and explore how AI and deep learning can take your product or system to the next level!

    Success Story

    HDKing V571 Wifi Live Streaming Real 4K hd Action Video Camera with Remote Controller

    A professional sports action camera with advanced EIS six-axis Anti-shake technology that quarantees a smooth operation at the most demanding action scenes.

    HDking Anti-shake EIS action camera
    EIS six axis anti shake solution
    HDking Anti-shake EIS action camera
    HDKing logo

    Available at and

    EIS Anti Shake Comparison

    Custom Implementation?

    Do you need a custom video stabilization solution, tailored to your specific use case? Talk to our team, we will support you throughout the design and the deployment phases!